Triumph Training and Services

TEL: 301.977.6000

7881 Beechcraft Avenue, Unit B Gaithersburg, MD 20879

Support Brokerage (Self-Directives)


The Support Brokerage course is designed as a full program which will give you all of the information, understanding and practical tools you need to be able to practice as a Support Broker.

There is an option to take the accreditation and to then become registered with Support Brokerage Network.

In order to achieve accreditation, participants must attend all sessions, and submit a completed five completed workbook and support plan. Learners should expect to complete an element of self-directed study/reading and coursework time outside of the training sessions. There are 5 units to the course which are delivered over 8 x 2 hours sessions delivered online over zoom. We can tailor the course delivery for learners of all abilities. We will discuss your learning needs with you when you make your deposit.


Schedule: TBD.

What does this course teach?

  • The historical development of Self Directed Support.
  • The values and approaches relating to ‘Personalization’ and Self Directed Support.
  • An introduction to the legal frameworks relevant to Self Directed Support.
  • Understanding the differences between Support Brokerage, Advocacy, Social Work and Care Management.
  • The practical skills needed to support someone to access a Personal Budget, Personal Health Budget, Direct
  • Payment or Individual Service Fund.
  • A brief introduction to Individual Service Funds and the practical functions associated with them.
  • Exploring the wider range of Community Development & Strengths-based approaches to understand how support brokerage fits with these.
  • Tools, techniques and approaches integral to Person-Centered planning & Community Mapping.

Who is it for?

  • Individuals who want to self-direct their own support and/or act as self-advocates.
  • Family members who want to be involved in self-directing the support of a relative.
  • Anyone providing information, advice & guidance within a community, health and social care context.
  • Anyone involved in doing Person-Centered Planning or developing Support Plans.
  • Individuals working in Direct Payment or Personal Health Budget teams.
  • Individuals working in Self Directed Support teams.
  • Health & Social Care provider organizations.
  • Social Care & Health professionals with an interest or involvement in Personalization.